Sunday, December 21, 2008

I made it before dec.25th

Well guess what everyone,Yes I finally got my tree up.I was beginning to wonder if we were ever going to get it up at all.I started the day after Thanksgiving saying we need to get it up.First LaNette and I spent the whole week end in bed with the flu.The next week end LaNette got really sick again,after that we just kept running out of time.Of course now that it is up and decorated it is the absolutely the most beauitful tree ever.I love it.Now everyone has to come and see it.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

What a Party!

Last night saturday 13th of december, we had our ward Christmas party.I am on the activities commitee,so this was my first.We had such a fun time.We served a nice HOT meal of marinated chicken,carrots,potatoes and gravy, rolls and a green salad.For dessert we served chocolate bundt cake ( can't get by without some chocolate) with peppermint ice cream.It was so delicious.We had the West Jordan High school madigals(sp) to start the evening,then after we ate we had the primary children do the nativity.And we sang christmas carols.We planned for 200 people, but we had to set up more tables.It was so nice to see so many of the inactive people there.Our ward is the biggest ward in the stake and we have the smallest building.It was standing room only ,but great.We had many people tell us how nice it was and that the food was hot.It was GREAT.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

A day of fun

On thursday I spent most of the day scrapbooking at Marsha's.I got so much done now only have a couple pages left to finish Erin's weddding book.Yeah!It has been so nice reliving her wedding day.I also got to enjoy 3 plus days with four of my grandchildren.What a great week this has been.Looking forward to Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I've been tagged!

Thanks to Erin,Ihave now been tagged.
1. I am a grandma to 7 grandsons and 4 granddaughters.
2. I hate cold weather.
3. I LOVE B.Y.U. football>>>>>>>>>>>>>Go Cougars
4. Each Christmas I give each of my grandchildren a new Christmas ornament.
5.I am a Child of God.
6.I love to scrapbook,love it love it love it!
7.Ilove spending time with my kids and grandkids and SHOPPING

I finally did it>>thanks to Sarah my granddaughter!

Sarah wanted me to have a blog,after all isn't that the newest thing? so we set one up.I will try my best to keep it going and keep it interesting.